Managine storage accounts in TntDrive. Amazon S3 Compatible Storage, Amazon GovCloud, Amazon S3 in China, Amazon S3 via AssumeRole
Bringing the Cloud Closer

Working with Multiple Storage Accounts

To add a new storage account

With TntDrive you can easily mount different storages as network drives. In order to mount the storage as a disk you need to add the Storage Account into TntDrive.

Storage credentials are stored on your local disk in encrypted form.

To add new account:

1. Start TntDrive Dashboard and click Accounts, Add new account.

click add new account

Start TntDrive Dashboard and click Accounts, Add new account

Add New Account dialog will open:

how to add new amazon s3 account

Add New Account dialog.

2. Please enter the following account details:

3. Click Add new account.

You can now add new mapped drive with this account.

To edit an account

1. Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..

how to open accounts manager

Click Accounts, Manage Accounts.

Storage Accounts dialog will open:

how to edit/delete amazon s3 account

The Storage Accounts dialog allows you to view/edit/delete accounts.

2. Select the Account you want to edit and click Edit.

The Edit Account dialog will open:

how to edit/delete storage account

Edit Account Dialog allows you to edit account properties

3. Edit account properties and click Save Changes to confirm changes or click Cancel to reset any changes you made.

4. Click Save Changes to save changes and close the Storage Accounts dialog or click Cancel to close Account Manager without saving any changes.

To delete an account

1. Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..

how to open accounts manager

Click Accounts, Manage Accounts

Storage Accounts dialog will open:

how to delete storage accounts

The Storage Accounts dialog allows you to view/edit/delete accounts.

2. Select one or multiple accounts you want to delete and click Delete.

4. Click Save Changes to save changes and close the Storage Accounts dialog or click Cancel to discard any changes you made.

Import/Export/Reorder accounts

Click Accounts, Manage Accounts..

how to open accounts manager

Click Accounts, Manage Accounts

To export accounts:

how to export storage accounts

Click More, Export accounts, you may also use the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut.

1. Select one or multiple accounts you want to Export and click More, Export accounts. The Save As dialog will open:

Save As dialog, export storage accounts

Specify the file name and click Save

2. Specify the file name and click Save

You can now transfer resulting file to another machine and import accounts.

To import accounts:

how to import storage accounts

Click More, Import accounts, you may also use the Ctrl+I keyboard shortcut.

1. Click More, Import accounts. The Open File dialog will open:

Open file dialog, import storage accounts

Select accounts file and click Open

2. Select accounts file and click Open.

Accounts will be loaded from the file and added into the list:

Accounts successfully imported

Click Save changes

3. Click Save changes.

To reorder accounts:

1. Select one or multiple accounts you want to reorder and click More, Move up to move them up or More, Move down to move them down.

reorder storage accounts

Click More, Move up/Move down to reorder storage accounts.

You may also use Ctrl+↑ and Ctrl+↓ keyboard shortcuts.

You may also use context menu to perform all actions described in this tutorial.

accounts context menu

Accounts context menu

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